Up Close and Personal With...
Thomas Gugler, President of Worldchefs
Congratulations on winning the Presidential election! How do you feel right now?
I am very proud to have this opportunity with my team to support the entire Worldchefs society. We will do our utmost best to serve them to excellence.
What is the first task you will embark on as President?
We will work on a very clear, straightforward and informative communication with the board, and we will keep all the members up to date. Members will also have the opportunity to be involved and participate on their end.
Continue the sentence. Worldchefs in 2017 will be…
Following the direction that been planted from the past Presidents and to keep the legacy of Bill Gallagher, which has always been Billy’s dream.
Fonte: http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e1ddfa4c14085b91e26658cb&id=fc1fb77c29&e=4934be86a2
Site Oficial: http://worldchefs2016.org/
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